Export Campaign Data
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In this guide you will learn how to export your Campaign data from each area of the tool.
Overview of Data Exportation
Have you recently finished a project and no longer need a Moz Campaign active? Maybe you’re looking to make space in your subscription allowances by removing a Moz Campaign? Or maybe you just want to keep a backup of your Moz Campaign data at the ready for reference in the future. In any of these scenarios you may choose to export your Moz Campaign data for safekeeping. Each section of your Campaign offers a way to export data and we’ll cover each of them here.
Below is a quick breakdown of the exports available in your Campaign:
Campaign Section | Export Type | Data Views Available | Timeframe Options |
Dashboard | Monthly, Weekly | 1 week or 1 month (depending on data view chosen) | |
Insights | N/A - Only one view | N/A - Only one view | |
Rankings: Overview | PDF, CSV | Monthly, Weekly | Custom, All Time, or Set Date Range options |
Rankings: SERP Features | PDF, CSV | Monthly, Weekly | Custom, All Time, or Set Date Range options |
Rankings: Landing Pages | PDF, CSV | Monthly, Weekly | 1 week or 1 month (depending on data view chosen) |
Page Optimization: Overview | PDF, CSV | Monthly, Weekly | 1 week or 1 month (depending on data view chosen) |
Page Optimization: Report | N/A - Only one view | N/A - Only one view | |
Site Crawl: Overview | PDF, CSV (All Issues) | N/A - Only one view | N/A - Last weekly data collection only |
Site Crawl: All Crawled Pages | PDF, CSV | N/A - Only one view | N/A - Last weekly data collection only |
Site Crawl: Issue Categories | PDF, CSV | N/A - Only one view | N/A - Last weekly data collection only |
Performance Metrics | PDF, CSV | N/A - Only one view | N/A |
Links: Overview | PDF, CSV | N/A - Only one view | N/A - Only one view |
Links: Discovered & Lost | PDF, CSV | N/A - Only one view | Custom (Up to 60 days) |
Links: All other | PDF, CSV | N/A - Only one view | N/A - Only one view |
Site Traffic | PDF, CSV (Landing Pages only) | Monthly, Weekly | Custom, All Time, or Set Date Range options* |
Custom Reports | Based on report settings and modules included | Based on report settings and modules included |
*For Site Traffic CSV exports, only one timeframe is available based on whether monthly or weekly data views are selected. The data exported to CSV encompasses the latest update for the Campaign - no All Time CSV exports are available from this section of the tool.
Exporting Your Dashboard
Your Moz Campaign Dashboard can be exported to PDF at any time via the Export to PDF link on the top right. You also have the option to select whether you’d like to view weekly or monthly data via the drop-down menu provided. If you are not seeing the option for a monthly view, this means your Campaign is relatively new and we do not have a full month’s worth of data just yet.

Pro Tip: Looking to have your Dashboard export generated automatically when data updates? Create a Custom Report with the Dashboard module included! You can then set the Custom Report to run automatically, weekly or monthly.
Exporting Rankings
Within the Rankings section of your Campaign there are a few areas in which you can export data to both CSV and PDF. Your Rankings section is unique in that you have the ability to export historical data for the entirety of the time your Campaign has been active.
Rankings Overview
Within the main Rankings view, you can use the Date Range selector to choose what data timeframe you’d like to view and export. You also have the option to select whether you view monthly or weekly data via the links just above the Rankings graph. The option to Export PDF is located just below the Date Range selector.

Pro Tip: The PDF export in Rankings will only export up to 250 rows of data. Use labels and filters to segment your data to export clusters of keywords. Or use the Export CSV option to export all your Rankings data in one file.
To export your Rankings to CSV, scroll down to the Tracked Keywords Overview to and click Export CSV.

A few things to note about your Rankings CSV export. First, keep in mind that your CSV export will include multiple rows of data for each keyword - one for each data collection within the selected timeframe. Additionally, the export will include keywords you tracked in the past which you are no longer tracking. Lastly, any filters you have applied to your Rankings view at the time of your CSV export will persist to the export so if you’re looking to export all your rankings data in one file, be sure you don’t have any filters applied before clicking Export.
Please Note: All tabs available in the Rankings section offer the ability to export a PDF and CSV with the exception of the Opportunities tab which only allows for PDF exports.
SERP Features
Similar to the Rankings Overview export options, the SERP Features section of your Moz Campaign offers the ability to use the Date Range selector to choose what data timeframe you’d like to view and export. You also have the option to select whether you’d like to view and export the Overview graph or the Trended Analysis graph. When viewing the Trended Analysis graph, you may choose to view monthly or weekly data. The option to Export PDF is located just below the Date Range selector.

Pro Tip: The PDF export in SERP Features will only export up to 250 rows of data. Use labels and filters to segment your data to export clusters of keywords. Or use the Export CSV option to export all your SERP Features data in one file.
To export your SERP Features data to CSV, scroll down to Keywords & Features and click Export CSV.

As with the Rankings Overview CSV export, the SERP Features CSV will include multiple rows of data for each keyword - one for each data collection within the selected timeframe.
Landing Pages
Within the Landing Pages section of your Moz Campaign, you have the option to export the data as a PDF or CSV via the links on the top right. Unlike the SERP Features or Rankings Overview sections, you will not have the option to select a timeframe in this view. The only export options are Weekly or Monthly data views which will reflect the most recent Campaign update data.

Exporting Page Optimization
Within the Page Optimization section of your Moz Campaign you can opt to export both the Track & Monitor tab and the Discover tab to PDF or CSV. Both tabs allow you to select whether you’d like to view monthly or weekly data, as well. The data view selected will determine the rank and rank change columns noted in each export.

Pro Tip: The PDF export in Page Optimization will only export up to 250 rows of data. Use the Export CSV option to export all your Page Optimization data in one file.
Exporting Site Crawl
Within the Site Crawl section of your Moz Pro Campaign you will have the option to export each section as a PDF and CSV. One thing to keep in mind when exporting your site crawl data is that there is no way to export historical crawl data. When a new crawl is performed for your site it replaces the data for the previous crawl in the interface. This means that once a crawl completes, the previous crawl’s data is no longer accessible.
One notable exception to this are the line graphs which are included in the PDF exports. These graphs will show data points for previous crawls giving you the ability to compare issue and page counts over time.
Site Crawl Overview
Within the Site Crawl Overview you have the option to export the view to PDF using the link on the top right. When doing so, be sure to click the See all links below New Issues and All Issues to ensure that the modules are fully expanded in your PDF report.

The CSV export option in the Site Crawl Overview is the All Issues CSV. This CSV will include a list of every issue found in your latest Site Crawl and can be exported via the link to the right of the All Issues header.

All Crawled Pages
Within the All Crawled Pages section of Site Crawl you will find the option to export to PDF just above the graphs. The option to Export CSV will be just below the graphs to the right of the Total Pages Crawled count. Any filters applied in this view will persist to both the PDF and CSV exports, allowing you to export data regarding chunks of your site, if needed.

Pro Tip: The PDF export for All Crawled Pages will only include up to 250 pages. If your site is larger than 250 pages, use filters to segment your data or export to CSV to get a full list of all the pages crawled for your site.
Issue Categories
Within each of the Issue Categories in Site Crawl you have the option to export to PDF just above the graphs. The option to Export CSV will be just below the graphs to the right of the issue header. Click on the Issue Types at the top of the page to further segment your data and export only pages associated with a specific issue. You also have the option to filter by complete or partial URL prior to exporting.

Pro Tip: The PDF export for Site Crawl Issue Categories will only include up to 250 pages. If more than 250 pages are flagged with a specific issue type, use filters to segment your data or export to CSV to get a full list of all the pages associated with that issue.
Exporting Performance Metrics
Within the Performance Metrics section of your Moz Pro Campaign you can export your data as a CSV or PDF for both the All URLs tab and the Tracked URLs tab.
All URLs
From the All URLs tab you will have the option to select a date range and whether you want to see scores for Mobile or Desktop in the graphs seen prior to exporting to PDF. When exporting to CSV, both Mobile and Desktop scores will be included along with the most recent analysis.

Pro tip: All graphs are able to be exported to CSV by clicking on the 3 gray lines in the top corner.
Tracked URLs
From the Tracked URLs tab you will have the option to export to CSV or PDF and both Mobile and Desktop scores will be included along with the most recent analysis.

Pro tip: All graphs are able to be exported to CSV by clicking on the 3 gray lines in the top corner.
Performance Metrics Report
From the Performance Metrics Report view you will have the option to export to PDF via the button on the right.

Pro tip: All graphs are able to be exported to CSV by clicking on the 3 gray lines in the top corner.
Exporting Links
Within the Links section of your Moz Campaign you can export your link data to CSV or PDF for most data views. If you are tracking competitors within your Campaign you will also have the option to select which site you’d like to view and export data for. Additionally, many sections have filter options available to help restrict and segment your data.

Pro Tip: When exporting your Inbound Links to PDF, the PDF will only include up to 50 links. Additionally, the More Info drawer will not be automatically expanded - be sure to click the arrow in that column prior to exporting if you are looking to have that data included in the PDF. If you have more than 50 inbound links, export to CSV to see more data.
The maximum number of rows you’re able to export to CSV in each section of the tool is determined by your subscription level and you will be asked to confirm how many rows you’d like to export after clicking Export CSV.
The data in most of these views cannot be restricted to a specific timeframe or view - the data we have available is the data that will be exported. However, below, we’ll outline the exceptions to the standards outlined here.
Links Overview
Within the Links Overview section of your Moz Campaign, you will have the option to export to CSV or PDF right at the top of the screen. When exporting the PDF, it will include all the graphs and modules seen in this data view. When exporting to CSV, the CSV will include data for the last 12 months, allowing you to compare metrics over time in a similar fashion to the graphs provided.

Discovered and Lost
The Discovered and Lost section of Links is the only section in which you can designate a timeframe for the data you’d like to export and view. Within this section you can view up to 60 days worth of data in relation to the linking domains marked as Discovered or Lost.
When exporting the PDF for this data, be sure to use the radio buttons to designate whether you’d like to see Discovered linking domains or Lost linking domains. This designation is not necessary for the CSV export as that will include both the Discovered and Lost linking domains.

Exporting Site Traffic
Within the Visits tab of the Site Traffic section of your Moz Campaign, you have the option to export data to PDF. This section of Site Traffic does not offer the ability to export to CSV however all the data seen here is pulled from your connected Google Analytics account in which you can export this data directly.
To export your Visits data to PDF, select the Date Range using the calendar on the top right and then click Export PDF. You will also have the option to view and export either the Monthly or Weekly view of this data.
One thing to keep in mind when viewing and exporting this data is that the total visit counts noted in the table will not change based on the time frame selected. This time frame only dictates what is included in the graph and how the rate of change is calculated. Just a reminder - the rate of change is calculated by comparing the first data collection to the last data collection in a selected time period.
Landing Pages
Within the Landing Pages tab of the Site Traffic section of your Moz Campaign, you have the option to export data to PDF or CSV.
To export your Landing Pages data to PDF, select the Date Range using the calendar on the top right and then click Export PDF. You will also have the option to view and export either the Monthly or Weekly view of this data.
To export Landing Pages data to CSV, select the Date Range using the calendar on the top right and then click Export CSV below the graph. You will also have the option to view and export either the Monthly or Weekly view of this data.
Both the PDF and CSV exports of your Landing Pages will include up to 200 URLs with landing page data. To see further traffic data, head on over to your Google Analytics account.
For Site Traffic CSV exports, only one timeframe is available based on whether monthly or weekly data views are selected. The data exported to CSV encompasses the latest update for the Campaign - no All Time CSV exports are available from this section of the tool.
Exporting Custom Reports
If you have Custom Reports set up in your Moz Campaign, you can export past reports to PDF at any time. To do so, click Actions beside the report you’re looking to export and then select Download Past PDFs. A calendar should popup where you can select the past reports you’d like to download. Dates with reports available will be blue and hyperlinked.

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