Export Link Data
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In this guide you’ll learn how to export link data from Link Explorer to CSV.
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Export Link Explorer Data to CSV

Using Link Explorer you can export your data to CSV. If you have filters applied, the tool will export the filtered results.
You can pick up your CSV from Export Notifications flag on the top right.
You're limited by the number of Rows per Backlink Query available with your Moz Pro plan and outlined on our pricing page under the Research header.
To export your Link Explorer data, follow these steps:
- Click Export CSV on the right-hand side
- Select how many rows you want to export
- Click Export
- Your CSV will be available to download when it's generated through Export Notifications on the top right
- Click on the Notifications flag on the top right when you see the red alert
- Click on your report to download it

Understanding Exported CSV Link Data
Find more definitions on our Glossary.
URL - the page that contains a link to the URL you searched in Link Explorer
Target URL - the page the URL in column A is linking to
Title - Page Title of the URL in column A
Anchor Text - The Anchor Text of the link from the URL in column A to the Target URL
Spam Score - The Spam Score of the site in column A
Links to Page - The number of Total Links in our dataset to the URL in column A (internal and external)
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