Moz Q&A Forum
Frequently Asked Questions
What's Covered?
In this guide you’ll learn more about the Moz Q&A Forum and all it has to offer, including searching for topics, asking questions, and how reputation works.
Quick Links
Introduction to the Moz Q&A Forum
If you’re looking for help with a specific SEO-related question, Moz offers a community forum full of SEO professionals who offer advice based on their many years of experience.
To access the Q&A forum, head to the Resources menu and click SEO Q&A.

Searching for Answers
With a free Moz Community account you can search for questions similar to your own.
You can use the box on the right to search for keywords associated with your question or you can use the filters available to narrow down your search. Or you can browse by category - just click on the topic you want to explore to get started.

Within each category you can further sort and filter using the Sort By drop-down on the top right and the filter options below that. You will also have the option to post a New Question related to this category, provided you have a Moz Pro, Local, API subscription.

Asking Questions
If you’d like to ask a question in the Q&A forum, you will need to have access to a Moz Pro, Local, API subscription. We recommend searching the forum first to check if your question has already been asked. Once you’ve done that you can then ask a question by clicking either New Question or by clicking Ask the community on the top right.

When drafting a new question, select the category using the drop-down on the left. Enter the title, which should summarize your question or discussion topic, and add detail in the description field. You can also add images to illustrate or further support your question, if needed.
If you’ve started a draft of a question and haven’t submitted it to the forum, it will be displayed on the bottom right with an icon representing the chosen category.

You will also need to add tags to your question in order to post. Tags are meant to further identify and define your question.
My Q&A
Within the My Q&A section, you can see all the questions you’ve asked in one place.

If you ask a question in the forum, an email will be sent to you when someone responds so you’re able to login and see what they had to say!
Q&A Reputation
Within your profile in the Moz Q&A Forum you will see a Q&A Reputation score noted. This score is calculated based on the number of upvotes you’ve received on your questions and answers throughout the Moz Community.

Once you’ve earned a Q&A Reputation score of 5, you’ll have the ability to add the following information to your profile.
- Website
- About me
- Signature
To learn more about updating your profile be sure to check out our guide here.
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