Local Authority vs. Global Authority
A fascinating remark made by the Vice President of AskJeeves, Jim Lanzone, on the subject of the recent nofollow tag that is being ad...
The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.
A fascinating remark made by the Vice President of AskJeeves, Jim Lanzone, on the subject of the recent nofollow tag that is being ad...
An impressive new idea from the world of librarians, cataloguers and other reference technicians called Folksonomies has taken root in the world of web search. This new technology exploits users' time to classify and meta-label the web through browsing. The promise of this new categorization syte...
In September of 2003, Google acquired Kaltix Corp. While this was well reported in the blogosphere and the SEO industry, it's fascincating to see the direct correlation between this acquisi...
Code validation is an issue that has been tossed back and forth in the SEO world for years. The W3C's standards appear to have the general support of the validation and standards organizations across the Internet, thus leading SEOs to ask the leading question,Does having validated ...
An impressive thread, started by yours truly at SEOChat - Sandbox just a Google-Only Algorithm Piece? has initiated some of the best high-level discussion on Google's unique filter in recent times. A great variety of SEO theorists...
The creation and promulgation of the SEO tools here has led to many people noting that the results returned by the tools are often different from the results they see. This problem can be pinpointed to the datacenter at Google that is being used to get the results....
The following is a quote of a Google representative writing to JohnGalt of search engine watch forums: "The PageRank that is displayed in the Google Toolbar is for entertainment purposes only. Due to repeated attempts by hackers to...
Dr. Garcia, well known by his nickname - Orion - at SearchEngineWatch forums has an exceptional resource that all SEOs looking to delve seriously into the industry should read thoroughly. The site, Mi Islita, a Puerto Rican based SEO company, ...
An excellent thread at SEOChat is helping to uncover an uncomfortable phenomenon at Google - sites that rank well are very, very old. While this has been speculated about for many months, these are the first publications of any scale to be released.Read the thread - ...
In two excellent posts in reply to an old theory about a conspiracy surrounding Google's toolbar, EGOL points out the value of SEO money being spent on internally developed content and then goes on to say:Someday, google will rank a site mainly, if not entirely, by its c...
In the initial testing of the survey, one fact that consistently appears in the results that rank in the top 10 are sites that have been around a long time. Obviously, these sites have had greater time to build links & content, but there appears to be little correlation between these it...
RustyBrick - a frequent poster on SEOChat and many of the other major search engine forums released a tool over the summer that conducts an advanced analysis of the links listed in Google's link command. ...