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Check how much quota is used/available for the current billing period, as well as additional information about the quota such as whether or not overages are enabled. This method can be performed for any quota to which your account has access (see acceptable values for `path` below).
JSON-RPC Method Name
Request Parameters
The quota path specifies a particular quota for which to retrieve information (e.g. beta or production quotas). The quota used by a particular method is specified in the Quota Usage section at the bottom of the method documentation.
Acceptable Values:
Response Values
Sample Requests
Sample Response
2 "quota": {
3 "path": "api.limits.beta.rows",
4 "account_id": 123456789,
5 "allotted": 100,
6 "used": 50,
7 "reset": "month",
8 "report": "day",
9 "overage": false,
10 "period_start": 1714546800,
11 "period_reset": 1717225200
12 }
Quota Usage
Does not require any quota.
Example Code
curl -X POST https://api.moz.com/jsonrpc \
-H "x-moz-token: <YOUR_MOZ_TOKEN>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "9af621c8-4ad9-409d-bfb7-fb52811ff0d7",
"method": "quota.lookup",
"params": {
"data": {
"path": "api.limits.data.rows"