Questions created by Tom.Capper
Moz Q&A is closing, December 12th 2024
After more than 13 years, and tens of thousands of questions, we’re finally closing Moz Q&A. Whilst we’re not completely removing the content - many posts will still be possible to view - we’re locking both new posts and new replies. Why? The truth is that the conversation has moved elsewhere. Sites like Twitter, Reddit, and more recently BlueSky and LinkedIn, have largely replaced specialist forums. At the same time, the challenge of moderating a platform like this has become more difficult, and of course, we’re SEOs, and the sheer quantity of new pages generated, often by malicious actors, has its challenges in terms of what it does to the profile of our site. Forums are still an opportunity for many sites, in SEO and more broadly, but the calculus no longer works for Moz. Where can I ask my question instead? If you’re a customer or currently evaluating a free trial, you can reach out directly with questions about the product to our customer support team here. If you want to learn more about SEO, you can check our learning resources here, and we also offer the Moz Academy. If you just want to hang out, you can also still find us on X, BlueSky, or LinkedIn. Thank you We’re grateful to everyone who has contributed to Moz Q&A over the years. It’s been a blast, and we hope this isn’t the last time we’ll see you here on the Moz site.
Moz News | | Tom.Capper1