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Moz API Cyber Sale Pricing
From $5 to $75/monthPerfect for research or integrating into your reporting suite.
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From $125 to $500/monthProvides the scale and flexibility that a growing business needs.
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Starting at $2,000/monthIdeal for building custom tools and dashboards for your clients at scale.
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Starting at $10,000/monthIdeal for integrating Moz Data into commercial products.
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Plug into the power of Moz API and save 20% today!
Access the best link data including the number of root domains, URL anchor texts, followed, no-followed, external links, and more!
For a limited time we are offering new Moz API self-serve customers 20% off the first six months of continuous service, excluding overages. This limited-time offer is valid through 12/13/2024 at 11:59 pm PT for new Moz API subscriptions only. Offer applies to only the first six months of a new continuous Moz API self-subscription. Renewal occurs at the published price on for the pricing tier you select upon your initial purchase. Customers with existing subscriptions who cancel their subscription during the offer period cannot re-subscribe at the promotional offer rate. Limitations apply