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Moz Pro Cyber Sale Pricing
For small businesses or startups with only one website.
1 user included
1 tracked site
50 tracked keywords per mo
20K pages crawled per mo
Starter SEO tools: keyword research, competitive research, MozBar Premium, site tracking, and 24-hour online support.
Save $120/yrFor small businesses or startups with only one website.
1 user included
1 tracked site
50 tracked keywords per mo
20K pages crawled per mo
Starter SEO tools: keyword research, competitive research, MozBar Premium, site tracking, and 24-hour online support.
For small businesses that just need the basics.
1 user included
3 tracked sites
300 tracked keywords per mo
400K pages crawled per mo
Standard SEO tools: keyword research, competitive research, backlink analysis, unlimited scheduled reports, MozBar Premium, site tracking, and 24-hour online support.
Save $238/yrFor small businesses that just need the basics.
1 user included
3 tracked sites
300 tracked keywords per mo
400K pages crawled per mo
Standard SEO tools: keyword research, competitive research, backlink analysis, unlimited scheduled reports, MozBar Premium, site tracking, and 24-hour online support.
Most Popular
Ample limits plus full access to keyword research tools. Most folks start here.
2 users included
10 tracked sites
1,500 tracked keywords per mo
2M pages crawled per mo
All Standard tools plus: increased quotas on SEO tools, branded reports, and report templates.
Most Popular
Save $429/yrAmple limits plus full access to keyword research tools. Most folks start here.
2 users included
10 tracked sites
1,500 tracked keywords per mo
2M pages crawled per mo
All Standard tools plus: increased quotas on SEO tools, branded reports, and report templates.
For larger businesses and agencies that need all the data.
3 users included
25 tracked sites
3,000 tracked keywords per mo
5M pages crawled per mo
All Medium features plus: increased quotas on SEO tools.
Save $720/yrFor larger businesses and agencies that need all the data.
3 users included
25 tracked sites
3,000 tracked keywords per mo
5M pages crawled per mo
All Medium features plus: increased quotas on SEO tools.

Don't miss out on this limited-time offer - sign up today!
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For a limited time we are offering new Moz Pro self-serve customers 20% off a 12-month subscription. This limited-time offer is valid through 12/13/2024 at 11:59 pm PT. Offer applies to only the first twelve months of each new Moz Pro self-serve plan, depending on the initial plan selected, excluding any overage charges. Renewal occurs at the published price on for the pricing tier you select upon your initial purchase. Customers with existing subscriptions who cancel their subscription during the offer period cannot re-subscribe at the promotional offer rate. Limitations apply